Play through the game until you reach "Jayden Blues," which begins with Norman playing the piano. Shortly afterward, he begins to experience withdrawal.
Walk up to the bed and press the button indicated onscreen. Norman will lie on the bed and hyperventilate. Press the button onscreen to scream into the pillow.
Walk up to the window and press the onscreen button. Norman will open the window and breathe in fresh air.
Walk up to the lamp and press the onscreen button. Norman will throw it across the room, breaking it against the wall.
Walk up to the bottle of scotch on the table and press the onscreen button. Norman will chug all of the contents before throwing it up on the floor.
Walk into the bathroom and press the onscreen button by the sink. Norman will wash his face.
Walk up to the shower and press the onscreen button. Norman will shower.
Walk up to the toilet and press the onscreen button. Norman will flush the triptocaine, ending the chapter.