Turn on your PS3 gaming console if it's on; then turn on your TV. The PS3's XMB menu is displayed on the screen.
Select "Settings" from the menu; then press the "X" button your controller. Click "Accessory Settings; then click "Audio Device Settings." Select the Cordless Vantage headset in the "Input Device" and "Output Device" settings. Speak into the microphone; then observe the microphone bar on the screen for a signal.
Turn off the gaming console if you don't see a signal on the microphone bar. Press the "Power" button to turn off the Cordless Vantage headset. Wait a few seconds; then turn both the headset and the gaming console on.
Connect your headset to the power adapter; then plug the adapter into a wall outlet, if the headset isn't blinking green.
Press the "MFB" button on the back of the headset to increase the volume if you're having a hard time hearing anything.