Play multi-player as normal. Depending on how well you do in a match, you will earn a varying number of experience points and cash. The more experience points you earn, the farther you advance in level. By advancing all the way to level 60, you will unlock all but two skins.
Play the single-player mode on Crushing difficulty. This is only unlocked once you have beaten the game on Hard difficulty. After defeating it on Crushing, you will unlock one more skin.
Earn the platinum trophy. As with any other game, the only way to earn the platinum trophy is by earning all of the other trophies in the base game (i.e. not including expansions). View the trophies in your PlayStation 3 profile to see which ones you still need to accomplish. With the platinum trophy comes another skin.
Go to the multi-player store within the multi-player menu. Purchase all of the skins you unlocked to use them.