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How to Change the Camera to Action Mode in Star Wars: the Force Unleashed

"Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" is an action game that takes place in the "Star Wars" universe. The player takes control of Darth Vader's young Sith apprentice, "Starkiller." The game makes use of an "Action Camera" which allows the user to view some of Starkiller's more impressive Jedi techniques at unique angles.


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      Begin playing the game, and engage enemies normally. By killing these enemies, you will earn force points.

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      Use force points to purchase power spheres or combo spheres and exchange your spheres for force powers such as Force Lightning or Force Push, or combos such as Cannonball or Sith Flurry. These force powers can be upgraded to Rank 3, the highest rank.

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      Make use of these more powerful force powers and combos during battle. If you kill an enemy with one of these maneuvers, the camera will shift into "Action Mode" while you do.

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