Delete Search History
Scroll to ̶0;Network̶1; on the PS3 XrossMediaBar. Scroll down the menu to ̶0;Browser.̶1; Press ̶0;X̶1; to launch the browser.
Press ̶0;Triangle̶1; to open the browser menu. Scroll to ̶0;Tools̶1; and press ̶0;X.̶1;
Scroll down to ̶0;Delete Search History̶1; and press ̶0;X.̶1; Press ̶0;X̶1; again to confirm deletion.
Delete Internet History
Scroll to ̶0;Network̶1; on the PlayStation 3 XrossMediaBar. Scroll down the ̶0;Network̶1; menu to ̶0;Browser.̶1; Press ̶0;X.̶1;
Press ̶0;Triangle̶1; to open the browser menu. Scroll to ̶0;History̶1; and press ̶0;X.̶1; A list of all the sites visited and searches performed will appear.
Press ̶0;Triangle̶1; and scroll down to ̶0;Delete All.̶1; Press ̶0;X,̶1; then press it again, to confirm the deletion. All sites and searches will be removed from the console memory.
Delete Words and Phrases
Scroll to the ̶0;Settings̶1; icon on the far left of the PS3 XrossMediaBar. Scroll down to ̶0;System Settings̶1; and press ̶0;X.̶1;
Scroll down to ̶0;Delete Predictive Text Dictionary̶1; and press ̶0;X.̶1;
Press ̶0;X̶1; to confirm the deletion of the dictionary. This will prevent the PS3 from automatically finishing words while you enter them into the browser.