Acquire a PlayStation3 developer kit. Commonly known as a "dev kit," this piece of hardware is needed to develop games for the console. It includes software and processing abilities that allow you to set your game up for the PlayStation3 system. You'll need to be a licensed PS3 developer in order to get access to a dev kit. There is an online application that can be found at Sony's site ( that will take you through the process of applying to become a licensed PS3 developer. The application will ask for detailed information on your game development company as well as details about the game you are looking to develop for the system. While at one time it cost upwards of $10,000, the PS3 dev kit has since been lowered to $2,000.
Assemble a team of qualified individuals with the expertise required to create a modern video game. Developing a modern video game takes many different people with many different skill sets. You'll need to gather a group of people who can work together to create stories, graphics, sound, programming and anything else needed for a complete video game. This can be a lengthy and expensive process.
Test your game extensively while it's being created. This is a vital part to working out the kinks and inconsistencies that can pop up during the development process.
Submit your game to Sony for approval. Once you have developed a game, it must be sent to Sony, which will then decide whether to release it.