Though the PS3 is designed for high definition gaming, many players opt to use standard definition televisions instead. For these players, the PS3 comes packed with a composite AV cable that allows users to connect the system to a standard definition television. This gives users the ability to experience the PS3̵7;s gaming library and online features without having to spend money on an expensive high definition television. Since the PS3 automatically detects your AV connection, setting up a composite AV connection is a quick process.
- PS3
- PS3 composite AV cable
- TV with composite AV inputs
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Turn off and unplug your PS3 and your TV.
Plug the PS3 composite AV cable into the ̶0;AV Multi Out̶1; port on the back of the PS3.
Plug the yellow, red and white AV cables into the corresponding yellow, red and white input jacks on your TV.
Plug your PS3 and your TV back into an outlet or surge protector. Turn your PS3 and your TV on.
Adjust the input settings on your TV to display the video input. You should see the PS3̵7;s main screen.