Things You'll Need
Setting Up the PS3
Attach a monitor to your PS3 using either an HDMI or component cable. You cannot use a regular composite cable to use with Linux as the resolution is too low, so use the 5 cable composite instead. The HDMI cable offers full HD in 1080p, which will look the best on any monitor.
Attach your PS3 controller to your PS3, along with a USB keyboard and mouse.
Power on your PS3 and update the GameOS firmware by going into "Settings," then "System Update" and "Update via Internet." After the update, you need to backup all of your data on the PS3. This can be done by going into "Settings" and running the "Backup Utility."
Format the hard disk in your PS3 by going into "Settings", then selecting "Format Utility" and choose "Format Hard Disk." You will be asked to select the way you want the partitions to be setup. Select "Custom." Allot 10gb to the PS3 system when asked to. Select "Quick Format" and wait for your partitions to be formatted. Press "X" to reboot the PS3.
Insert the Linux install DVD into the PS3. Go into "Settings," then "System Settings" and lastly "Install Other OS." Confirm that your PS3 found the otheros.bld from the DVD and press "X" to start the installation. This will install the kboot which will give Linux control over the PS3. When this completes, go back to "Settings" then "System Settings" then "Default System" and select "Other OS." It will ask to reboot the PS3. Select "Yes."
Installing YDL
Press the "Tab" key on your keyboard when you are presented with the "kboot:" prompt. Depending on what resolution your monitor is using, select the proper install method. Each time you press the "Tab" key, a different install method will be presented. If you are using a 1080p monitor, you need to select "Install_ps3_1080p." For regular screens, select "Install_ps3_480i." Click on "Enter."
Select your preferred language when asked.
Select your desired keyboard layout.
Select "Remove All Partitions" in the partition manager. Press "Next" after the network configuration window appears.
Select your time zone.
Create a root password that is at least eight characters that are both letters and numbers. Do not forget this password as it is needed to do many things on your Linux system.
Select "Office and Productivity" on the next screen when asked what package to install. Your system will do a dependency check next, which will take about five minutes.
Click "Next" to install Linux after the dependency check completes. This will take roughly fifteen minutes. After it is finished, click "Reboot" and remove the DVD from the PS3. You will now be booted into Linux. Login and have fun.