Things You'll Need
Visit the pSX emulator website and download the version 1.13 file to your desktop.
Double-click the file you saved to your desktop and extract the files to a location you'll remember on your PC.
Click the "Start" button and type "cmd" into the search box, then press "Enter." This opens the command prompt.
Type "cd" and then the file path of the location you saved the pSX files to. For example, "cd c:\pSX" if you saved the files at c:\pSX. This command opens the pSX directory.
Type the following command to convert your PlayStation ISO disc image to the CDZ file format:
cdztool.exe c:\isoimagefile.iso c:\newfilename.cdz
Change "c:\isoimagefile.iso" to the file path of your ISO image file, and change "newfilename" to the name you'd like to give your CDZ file, and then press "Enter." You've successfully reproduced your backed-up PlayStation disc image as a CDZ file.