Unlock Every Car
Every car in the game is unlockable instantly while at the car selection screen. Hold the "R2" button and press "Circle," "Square," "X," "Triangle" and "R1" to execute this cheat.
Infinite Fuel
Press "R1," "L2," "Up," "Down," "Left" and "Right" at the car selection screen to enable infinite fuel.
Bonus Mission
Finish Mission 13's race with a time of 290 seconds or less to unlock a bonus rescue mission.
Gameshark Codes
The Gameshark peripheral device adds several new cheat codes to "Runabout 2." Enter "800C8B22 2400" for unlimited fuel, or "80086A80 C9FF" or "80086A82 3B9A" for the maximum amount of cash. Enter "30041C68 0001" or "30042217 0001" to unlock every item, and "30041C68 0001" to unlock the time trial mode.