Things You'll Need
Leading up to the Gas Chamber
Speak to Barret, when Tifa wakes up and you gain control of her. You will be marched Southwest then Southwest again, to a room with a gas chamber and Tifa will be taken in first.
Watch the scene as Scarlet slaps Tifa and the guard drops the key on the way out, then after Scarlet is sprayed with sleeping gas, examine the door to try and free Tifa. The door will be locked.
Leave to talk to Cait Sith, then go Southeast followed by Southwest, where you'll encounter a reporter.
Talk to the reporter, who turns out to be Yuffie (if you had already recruited her.) Yuffie will join your team. Equip your team now with restore, revive and any other materials they need.
Return to where you first saw the Highwind in Junon back on disc one. Go up the elevator and approach the airship, where you'll see a cut scene, and then you'll control Tifa again. It's time to free her.
Getting Tifa Out
Use Tifa's legs to draw the key closer using the "X" button.
Move Tifa's head, using the "Triangle" button, to make her sit upright.
Control the legs and head together, using the "X" and "Triangle" buttons, to get the key into Tifa's mouth.
Move Tifa's head and hands, using the "Triangle" and "Circle" buttons, to unlock the left wrist, then unlock the other wrist with "Circle."
Hit the switch on the left, with the glowing light, to stop the gas, then watch the next scene.