Defeat Ghost
The Fiery Wreckage level primarily has undead enemies, such as Necrosaurus, Macabre and Remnants. The hidden boss, Ghost, is also undead. You can easily defeat this boss by using Tim Rhymeless's "TurnUndead" spell. This attack will instantly kill Ghost.
Mad Lucied and Bulkogidon
You can obtain Ashley Winchester's Mad Lucied in the werewolf's den on the beach below Crimson Castle. Follow the left hole behind a cliff and come to a green door. Use the Earthquake or Brad's Bombs to blow up the door. Blow up the slightly larger green door before the first. A light in the room will drop a magic symbol, and a Voice from Nowhere in Particular will ask for its name. Answer with "Lucied." Ashley will learn the Mad Lucied attack. Use her second form's Mad Lucied attack on the Bulkogidon boss, located in the Fab Science Lab, to defeat the boss quickly.
Defeat Titanius
Three methods will easily defeat the Pyramid boss located in the town of Hamletz. Tim's Hi-Combine attack with the guardian Raftina will usually kill the boss immediately. If you enter with plenty of ammunition for Ashley, start the battle using Ashley, Kanon and Lilka. Have Kanon use a Lucky Card on everyone in the battle. Next, use Ashley's Dead or Alive attack. This will usually also kill the boss instantly and gain you a lot of experience. Without Kanon or a Lucky Card, use the Magic of Ashley's Access form against the boss for two or three consecutive minutes and then use Dead or Alive. The boss will usually die immediately.
Easy Health
To master the Up HP skill as soon as possible, save up gained skill points until each character has enough points. Following this strategy early in the game will naturally pull the characters' HP to very high amounts. For example, you can increase Brad's HP to more than 7,000 by level 70. Follow this skill by mastering all UP P Defend abilities, especially for magic user. By the end of the game, even the strongest enemies will cause almost no physical damage.
Easy Lucky Cards
You can steal Lucky Cards from a monster called Melchom, which you will find in the valley between Greenhell and Gate Bridge. Thief-style enemies near the crash site where the data on Odesss'a funding is located also carry Lucky Cards, which you can steal.