Devil Trigger
As you smash through monsters, you will slowly accrue energy in the form of runes. These runes are displayed underneath your main life gauge. When you have acquired enough power to fuel three runes, you can activate Dante's devil trigger ability by pressing "L1." While in devil-trigger mode, you will have increased strength and more powerful attacks, and you will slowly regain health. Use this ability on large boss encounters or when you are bogged down by multiple foes.
Basic Combat
Most of the bad guys you encounter in "Devil May Cry" can be slain with a few quick combinations of Dante's regular attacks. Hit "Triangle" to jump, "Circle" for melee attacks, "R1" to lock onto the nearest enemy and "Square" to fire guns and other projectile devices. Combining these buttons (jumping and then hitting the melee command, for instance) will result in a wide range of powerful combos.
Special Moves
You can perform a powerful kick jump by leaping toward an enemy and hitting the "Triangle" button. This causes you to jump off the head of your enemy. When surrounded, kick jumping off multiple enemies is an excellent method for getting to safety. You can also avoid damage by rolling out of the way -- simply hold "R1" and tap the control stick in any direction, then press "Triangle."
Powerful Moves
As Dante increases in power, you will be able to master some more effective attacks. Hold "R1" and press the stick towards an enemy, then hit "Circle." This will cause Dante to travel across a large distance and start a combo. Activate your devil trigger, then hit "R1" while you're in the air to perform an are raid attack, or create a vortex by holding the "Circle" button and moving the analog stick. There are many attacks to be discovered, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.