Spyro Demo
To access the Spyro 2 Demo, you must go to the main menu. Then enter the following code: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Circle," "Triangle," "Triangle" and "Right."
Track Codes
Here are some codes you can use to add more tracks to the game, which can be applied at the main menu.
Additional Tracks: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Right," "Right," "Left," "Triangle," "Right," "Down" and "Down."
Slide Coliseum: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Up," "Down," "Down," "Right," "Right," "Down" and "Down."
Icy Tracks: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Left," "Right," "Down," "Right," "Circle," "Triangle" and "Down."
One Lap Races: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Up," "Down," "Down," "Right," "Up," "Down," "Right," "Triangle" and "Down."
Hidden Characters
There are several hidden characters that can be unlocked immediately without having to play the game normally. Simply apply any of these codes at the main menu to play as the appropriate character.
Pinstripe: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Left," "Right," "Triangle," "Down," "Right" and "Down."
Komodo Joe: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Circle," "Left," "Left," "Triangle," "Right" and "Down."
Papu Papu: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Left," "Triangle," "Right," "Down," "Right," "Circle," "Left," "Left" and "Down."
N. Tropy: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Left," "Right," "Up," "Down," "Right" and "Right."
Penta Penguin: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Right," "Triangle," "Down," "Left," "Triangle" and "Up."
Ripper Roo: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Right," "Circle," "Circle," "Down," "Up," "Down" and "Right."
Fake Crash: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Circle," "Down," "Down," "Up," "Circle," "Circle," "Down," "Left" and "Right."
Unlimited Codes
These codes, when applied at the main menu, will give you a number of unlimited powers or attributes.
Unlimited Bombs: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Triangle," "Right," "Down," "Right," "Up," "Triangle" and "Left."
Unlimited Masks: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Left," "Triangle," "Right," "Left," "Circle," "Right," "Down" and "Down."
Unlimited Wumpa Fruit: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Down," "Right," "Right," "Down" and "Down."
Unlimited Turbos: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Triangle," "X," "Right," "Left," "Left," "Triangle" and "X."
Other Codes
Here are more codes you can enter at the main menu. Some of these can help you during races, while others modify the interface.
Display Turbo Counter: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Triangle," "Down," "Down," "Circle" and "Up."
Super Turbo Pads: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Triangle," "Right," "Right," "Circle" and "Left."
Invisible Racer: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Up," "Up," "Down," "Right," "Right" and "Up."
Scrapbook Mode: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Up," "Up," "Down," "Right," "Right," "Left," "Right," "Triangle" and "Right."
Beakers and Explosive Crates Only: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Right," "Up," "Down," "Up," "Right" and "Circle"
Super Engine Mode: Hold "L1" and "R1," then press "Up," "Up," "Left," "Right," "Triangle," "Down," "Right" and "Down."