Things You'll Need
Go to the docks of Arni Village and speak with the girl named Leena. Agree to get her three Komodo dragon scales so she can make a necklace.
Leave Arni Village and walk southwest to the area called Lizard Rock.
Walk over to the southwest end of the first area of Lizard Rock and roll the large pink stone in front of the cave entrance. Chase the Komodo Dragon around the area until it tries to hide in the cave. Run into it to initiate combat. Kill the creature and take its scale.
Head to the south area of Lizard Rock. Climb up the green branch to reach the outcropping of rock, then jump down on the Komodo dragon to enter into battle with it. Beat it in combat to get its scale.
Run to the eastern area of Lizard Rock and chase down the third Komodo dragon to initiate combat with it.
Kill the last Komodo dragon to get the third and final scale.