Things You'll Need
Select the PSN Store icon on the far right of the PSP main menu. The PSN Store will start up and you will see the store main menu.
Select "Themes" from the main menu and you will be shown the list of available PSP themes. Select one to see more information on it. Select "Add to cart" when you have found a theme you want to download.
Select "Checkout" to proceed to the purchase page. If the theme is free it will begin downloading to your PSP automatically. If the theme is not free, enter in your credit card or PSN Points card information and select "Purchase" to begin downloading.
Press the "O" button on the PSP a few times to return to the PSP main menu. Select "Settings" and "Theme" from the PSP main menu. Select "Theme" again and select the theme you want to apply. Select "Apply" to set the theme on your PSP.