Things You'll Need
Turn on your LocationFree base station by pressing the "Power" button on the front of the device. If you haven&'t already connected the device to your television aerial or cable box, do this now.
Turn on your PSP and turn on the WLAN switch on the lower left side of the device. Navigate to the "Network" section of the console&'s menu and choose "LocationFree Player." Select "Start."
Press the "Setup" button on the back panel of your LocationFree base station. The PSP and base station will automatically synchronize. This needs to be done only once.
Press your PSP&'s "X" button to confirm the connection, then choose "LocationFree AP" to display a live feed of television from your LocationFree base station.
Press the "Triangle" button to bring up the onscreen remote control, which allows you to switch between channels on the base station. If you have a DVD or Blu-ray player connected to the station, this can be controlled and accessed from the PSP.
Press "O" on your PSP when you have finished watching television to close the connection. The connection be accessed at any time by selecting "LocationFree Player" from your PSP&'s "Network" menu.