Things You'll Need
Create a folder on your desktop and name it "Dr Pop." Download Dr. Pop (see Resources) and extract the contents to the "Dr Pop" folder. Put your PlayStation game into your computer's disc drive and open My Computer. Find the drive that has the PlayStation game in it and drag the drive to the Dr. Pop program. Click the "Go" and it will convert the game so the PlayStation Portable can read it.
Download PSX2PSP (see resources) to your desktop. Open the Dr. Pop folder and browse through until you find the support folder. Take the files keys.bin, the eboot.pbp (PlayStation game file), the popstation.exe, the cygwin1.dll, and the cygz.dll from the Dr. Pop support folder and place it in the PSX2PSP Files folder.
Start up PSX2PSP and it will ask you where your PlayStation Game file is. Browse to the PSX2PSP folder and go to the files folder. It should be in there. Select the output folder and then type the name of the game. The next box is for the name of your saved game; it does not matter what the name you put in is.
Select what image you want the icon to be and what you want the background to be. The icon picture is what you see when you select the game on your PlayStation Portable and the background is what is displayed when you click on the icon.
Click the Convert button, this will give you two files eboot.pbp and keys.bin. Place both of them in a folder and then connect your PlayStation Portable with USB mode. To do this place the smaller end of the USB cord on top the top of the PlayStation Portable and the bigger end of the USB cord into your computer. Create a folder in your PSP / Game folder and name it after your game but keep it smaller than eight characters. Place the two files in to that folder.
Exit USB mode and restart your PSP. Scroll over to the game folder on your PlayStation Portable and select memory stick. You PlayStation game will be located there all ready to go.