Things You'll Need
Navigate to the PSP Theme Toolbox download page located in the resources section of this article, and download the installer to your local hard drive.
Run the completed installer, and install the PSP Theme Toolbox software. Run the software when the installation is complete.
Select a name for your theme under the "Information Tab" and select an image to use as your wallpaper under the "Wallpaper" tab. Keep in mind that an image must be 480 x 272 pixels, use 24-bit color, and have the .BMP file extension in order to be used as wallpaper.
Select the Icon sets you wish to use under the "Icons" tab. You can design your own Icons or use pre-existing ones included with the software. If you wish to make your own icons, they must include a 32 x 32 pixel and 48 x 48 pixels version of the image, use 32-bit color and have the .TGA, .PNG or .GIM file extension.
Select a thumbnail image to use for the "Preview Icon" under the "Other" tab. This image must be 16 x 16 pixels, use 32-bit color and have the .TGA, .PNG or .GIM file type.
Select a "Preview Image" for the theme, which must be 300 x 170 pixels, use 24-bit color and have the .BMP file type.
Select "File," then "Export." Enter a name for your newly created theme, then select "Save." This will create a .PTF theme file that can be used on any PSP to load the theme.