Check the video format. The PSP can only play back videos that are the MP4 format. If you are trying to play back WMV, AVI, or any other format, the playback will fail. Consider using a format converter such as Format Factory to change the format to MP4. See the Resource section for a link to download this program.
Load the videos into the correct folder. If you are loading videos on your PSP from a computer, you need to create a folder entitled "MP_ROOT" to store your video files (under the "PSP" directory). Storing your files anywhere else on the PSP's hard drive will make them unplayable.
Check the PSP's battery. If the system turns off as soon as you start the video player, the PSP may not have enough power to run the video. Switch to outlet power or charge the battery and then try watching the video again.
Ensure your firmware is updated. If you have outdated firmware on your PSP, it could be affecting compatibility. Connect the PSP to a wireless Internet signal to download to update automatically, or download the firmware update from the PSP website and install it using your PSP's USB connection cable.