The UMD is a Sony created medium that plays on the Sony PSP. Similar to the MiniDisc, the UMD is encased in a floppy-drive-like cover and is then inserted into the PSP to be played. They can hold up to 1.8gb of data.
PSP̵7;s running custom firmware need only to insert their UMD disc into their PSP and connect the PSP to a computer. Place the USB mode into UMD and copy the ISO file to the computer.
ISO files can be played by placing them into the ̶0;ISO̶1; folder on the Sony PSP memory stick.
Compressing the ISO into CSO format will shrink the size of the file significantly. The only known program to do this is named ̶0;PSP ISO Compressor̶1; and is free.
Running ISO/CSO games on the PSP run much quicker than their UMD counterparts because the disc does not need to spin in order to load the data.