Things You'll Need
Run the Photoshop program. Go to "File" and the "Open" in the menu at the top. Navigate to the icon picture you have drawn. Highlight the icon picture and press the "Open" button to load in the icon picture and close the window.
Select the icon picture by drawing a line around it with the Selection tool. Go to the "Picture" and then the "Size" menu and resize the icon picture to 64-by-64 pixels.
Make a copy of the icon picture by pressing "Command+C" on a Mac or "Control+C" on a Windows-based computer. Select the background layer of the icon picture and fill it in with black using the Paint bucket tool. Paste a copy of the icon picture by pressing "Command+V" on a Mac or "Control+V" on a Windows-based computer.
Select the icon picture by drawing a line around it with the Selection tool. Press "Command+C" on a Mac or "Control+C" on a Windows-based computer to duplicate the icon layer.
Press "Command+U" on a Mac or "Control+U" on a Windows-based computer to bring up the Hue/Saturation window. Change the Lightness column to +100 and the Saturation column to -100. Press the "OK" button to close the window.
Bring up the Layers window by selecting its button in the window with the icon picture. Hold down the "Command" key on a Mac or the "Control" key on a Windows-based computer while left-clicking on the thumbnail of the white silhouette in the layers window. Right-click on the thumbnail of the white silhouette in the layers window to bring up a popup menu. Select "Save Selection" from the popup window and name the selection as a new channel called "Alpha 1." Press the "OK" button to close the window.
Press "Command+D" on a Mac or "Control+D" on a Windows-based computer to deselect the icon. Delete the white silhouette layer from the layer window by highlighting it and pressing the "Delete" key.
Select "Save As" from the "File" menu. Name the file. Select the "BMP Options" window. Select "Windows" as the File Format and "32-bit" as the Depth from the appropriate columns. Press the "OK" button to save the icon to the computer's hard drive in a compatible format that can be transferred to a modified PSP.