Things You'll Need
Decompressing RAR Files
Download and install the free program 7-Zip. (See Resources for link.) Extract RAR, GZ and ZIP files by right-clicking them and selecting the new option that has been added to the menu.
Select the RAR file you want to decompress by right-clicking the file, selecting the 7-Zip option and choosing "Extract Files Here." This extracts the files to the same location of the RAR.
Rename the file whatever you'd like.
Moving Files to PSP
Connect your PSP to your computer and a window opens showing the file system of your PSP memory stick. Inside are many different folders, including Video, Music and Pictures.
Move your decompressed media files into their appropriate folders by copying and pasting them from your computer to the memory stick.
Create a folder inside the memory stick and name it "RAR." Copy and paste the compressed RAR files into this folder to use the PSP memory stick as a means of storage.