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Free Games to Play on a PSP

The PlayStation Portable (PSP), Sony's handheld gaming console, features a wealth of different games in several genres. For gamers that cannot afford all the latest software, or even to purchase used games, the console can be used to download and play free games. From demos to online games to games developed by independent game developers, all this content can be accessed free of charge to gamers with an Internet connection.
  1. Flash Games

    • With the firmware upgrade version 2.70, the PSP is now able to play flash games. These games include online casual games as well as games that can be downloaded and played when not connected to the Internet. Visit PSPflashgaming.com for a directory of flash games that have been developed strictly for the PSP. Games on the site include Tetris, tennis and even a version of Space Invaders with a Star Wars theme. When on this website, you have the option of playing the games directly through your PSP's web browser, or they can be downloaded onto the console. No additional software is needed beyond the game file, making this the safest way to obtain free games on your PSP without the risk of damaging your console.

    Homebrew Games

    • One way to legally obtain free PSP software is to bypass games released by publishers and instead look to games created by the gaming community. The games, known as homebrew games, have been developed by independent game developers and can be downloaded and placed onto your PSP system. Visit a site such as PSPhomebrew.com, which will link you to different homebrew sites, each featuring different types of files from independent games, to other content such as video and music. Before running a homebrew program, you will need to update your PSP with firmware that turns your console into a compatible player. Note that all the software associated with the homebrew gaming scene is not supported by Sony, so it is at your discretion to load these programs onto your PSP. Always check on forums for the sites in question to ensure that gamers are happy with their downloads, as well as for hints and tips for installing software onto the PSP.


    • The only way to download and play free PSP games that are approved by Sony is to visit the PSN Store through your PSP console. This store features several games for a fee, but also includes free demos of upcoming games for the PSP. While these demos are not full games, they will still give players a taste of different games the system has to offer, after which gamers can look for these games through a PSP download site or at a local game store. PS3 owners can also download these demos and send them to the PSP. If you do own a PS3 and have purchased classic PS1 games through the download service, you can transfer the software to the PSP without any additional charges.

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