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How to Uncensor Manhunt 2

Manhunt 2 was a controversial game. With good reason. It features over-the-top violence in a dark and inhumane setting that even the most gore-obsessed would fine disturbing. For that reason, the game was censored. However, the original content is still hidden inside of the games code. With some work, you can unlock it all to see what the developers intended for you to play.

Things You'll Need

  • Manhunt 2 PSP in ISO format
  • UMDGen
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  1. Unlocking hidden material

    • 1

      Use the PSP manipulation software UMDGen to open the Manhunt 2 ISO. Extract both the \"PSP_GAME\\USRDIR\\GLOBAL\\LVLSETUP.INI\" and \"PSP_GAME\\USRDIR\\LEVELS\\A01_ES\\GLVLSET.INI\" files.

    • 2

      Open the INI files with a text editor such as Notepad. In Windows, Notepad is generally found in \"All Programs,\" then \"Accessories.\"

    • 3

      Search for the string \"[GK] execution colour ramp options: flash fadein (sec), flash duration (sec), flash fadeout time (sec)\" and delete.

    • 4

      Search for the following strings
      \"EXECUTION_COLRAMP_FLASH_TIMES 0.25, 0.6, 0.3\"
      Delete them all.

    • 5

      Replace the original files in all levels in \"PSP_GAME\\USRDIR\\LEVELS\\\" with the previously extracted file \"GLVLSET.INI\" (in step 1). Save the ISO and load it to check if the game uncensored.

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