Things You'll Need
Install a web server on your PC where iTunes is loaded, if a web server is not currently installed. Examples of web servers or browsers are Apache for MAC or Internet Explorer or Firefox for a PC. Download the zipped web server files to the PC from the Internet and unzip the web server files on your PC. An iTunes remote specific web server is available on the Pspupdates website.
Open the iTunes remote in notepad to change the directory to one that iTunes uses. Change the path, $pathToHTTPPDIR, at the top of the text to the directory where the iTunesRemote.php file is located.
Be certain iTunes is open and showing a song in the ticker bar and not a signature apple. Use your PC to navigate to http://LocalHost/psp/iTunesRemote.php and begin using your PSP as a music selection remote.
Download CoverBuddy for MAC operating systems at the Coverbuddy website as another option for turning your PSP into an iTunes remote. First choose Server Settings from the drop down menu and then select Active Web Interface. Finally click on Launch in Browser and use the PSP as an iTunes remote.
Use PlayerPal with a PC web browser and PSP to control iTunes selections. Download PlayerPal from the Playerpal website and right away begin to use the PSP as a remote. This program is another alternative that includes a variety of options for the remote.