Download the newest version of ChickHen to your computer (link in Resources).
Access the "Settings" menu of your PSP's vertical menu bar. Restore the PSP to its default settings. Deactivate the "UMD Cache" and "UMD Auto-Start" options. Select the "US" character set. Revert PSP theme to "Classic."
Connect your PSP to your computer via its USB cable.
Unzip the newest ChickHen software on your computer.
Copy the unzipped h.bin file to the memory stick root, which stores all the picture, PSP and video folders.
Copy the entire ChickHen folder to the the PSP's "Photo" folder located at "X:/PSP/PHOTO." Manually create the "Photo" folder if it does not already exist.
Disconnect your PSP from the USB cable. Turn off your PSP completely. Make certain it is powered off and not just in "standby" mode. Restart the PSP.
Access the PSP's vertical menu bar and select "Photo" and then "Memory Stick." Wait for an options menu to appear in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Press the "X" button to open the "ChickHen" folder from the options menu. Wait for ChickHen to load up. You should see flashing colors and then the PSP will reboot into ChickHen mode. Check the PSP's firmware version to confirm your ChickHen installation.