Things You'll Need
Power off your PSP. Plug the USB cable from your PSP into your computer. Power on the PSP and select "USB Connection" by pressing the "X" button on the control pad. Wait for your computer to recognize the PSP's SD card as an external drive.
Click "Start" and click "Computer." Double-click the icon that represents the SD card on your PSP. Double-click the folder labeled "DH." Click "New Folder" at the top of the window, then type "ISO" as the name of the folder. Press "Enter." Double-click on the "ISO" folder.
Copy the backup files of your PSP games to the ISO folder. Use an ISO creation program to make the backups. Several CD and DVD burning programs will allow you to make an ISO file.
Click "Start" and select "Computer." Right-click the icon for your PSP's memory card and select "Eject" to remove the PSP from your computer. Unplug the PSP and reboot it.