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How to Install SNES on the PSP

The PSP has many modifications available to enhance the capabilities of the game console. The biggest modification is adding custom firmware to allow the user to install and run homebrew applications and emulation programs. Emulators are designed to run games not native to the console, and installing the SNES emulator will allow the user to play Super Nintendo games on the PSP.

Things You'll Need

  • PSP with custom firmware
  • SNES9xTYL-0.4.2me
  • PSP USB connector cable
  • WinRAR
  • SNES Game ROMS
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    • 1

      Download the SNES9xTYL 0.4.2 ME file (see Resources). Click "Save" when prompted, and then click "OK."

    • 2

      Navigate to the downloaded file and open with WinRAR (see Resources).

    • 3

      Highlight the "snes9xTYL-0.4.2me_fw3x" folder and click the "Extract To" button. Select "Desktop" for the destination path and click "OK."

    • 4

      Connect the PSP to the computer with the USB cable. Navigate to the "Settings" menu and scroll to "USB" icon. Press "X."

    • 5

      Select "Open folder to view files" when prompted by the computer and click "OK."

    • 6

      Open the "PSP/GAME" folder. Shrink this window by clicking the "_" at the top of the window.

    • 7

      Open the "snes9xTYL-0.4.2me_fw3x" folder extracted to the desktop earlier. Inside is another folder with the same name. Double click to also open this folder.

    • 8

      Right-click on the "snes9xTYL" folder and select "Copy" from the menu.

    • 9

      Restore the "GAME" window to the desktop by click the tab in the task bar.

    • 10

      Right-click inside the "GAME" window and select "Paste" from the menu.

    • 11

      Open the "snes9xTYL/ROMS" folder on the PSP and place game ROMs in this folder.

    • 12

      Disconnect the PSP from the computer and navigate to the "Game" menu. Select the "Memory" icon and press "X."

    • 13

      Select the "SNES9x" emulator icon and press "X."

    • 14

      Scroll down to "ROMS/" and press the "square" button. Select the game to play and press the "square" button again.

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