Things You'll Need
Turn the controller face down and remove the screws using a Phillips screwdriver. Place the screws in a plastic bag and tie the top shut. This helps prevent the screws from getting bumped and lost.
Remove the battery from the controller and turn the game system off. This takes away the power source and lowers the chance of electrical injury.
Wedge a plastic card between the seam of the controller, preferably something that isn't useful, like an old hotel key, since you do not want to ruin the magnetic strip on your credit or debit card. You can use a flat-head screw driver, but this is not recommended since the head is thicker than the plastic card and can cause cosmetic blemishes on the controller. Wiggle the card around to create separation and disconnect the two shells.
Place the top shell, the one with the buttons, to the side and position the bottom shell so the electrical components are facing you. Locate the broken wire. Use wire strippers to strip a quarter of an inch of casing off of each side of the wire. Solder the two ends of the wire back together.
Unite the two shells and insert the screws into the screw holes on the back of the controller. Tighten the screws using the Phillips screwdriver.