Things You'll Need
Raise the top lid of the Nintendo DS to expose the Nintendo DS's screens. Locate an edge or corner of the currently-applied screen protector that has peeled from the screen and use it to remove the screen protector.
Gently wipe the exposed Nintendo DS screen with a screen cleaning cloth to remove any dust particles. Avoid direct contact with the screen after cleaning to prevent dirt and dust from recontaminating the screen.
Peel away the plastic sheet covering the adhesive face of the replacement screen protector. Handle the screen protector by the edges to avoid contaminating the adhesive face of the screen protector with dirt and dust.
Hold the screen protector over the exposed Nintendo DS screen so that the screen protector and Nintendo DS screen line up. Place one edge of the screen protector on the matching edge of the Nintendo DS screen and gently bend the screen protector to cover the screen in segments. Gently rub the screen protector with your forefinger once the screen has been completely covered to secure the screen protector in place.