Plug in the wireless receiver, which came with your drum set, into the USB port on your Wii or PlayStation 3 console. The wireless receiver will look like a square box on one end and have a USB plug on the other. For the Wii, the USB port is found on the back of the console, up at the top. The PlayStation 3 USB port is found on the front of the console.
Turn the video game console on. A Wii can be turned on by pressing the "Power" button on the front of the console. Turn the PlayStation 3 on by pressing "Power" on the top, right side of the console.
Turn the drum set on by pressing the "Power" button, which is found on the front of the drums on the left side. You will find two buttons here. The left button is the "Power" button and the right button is the "Sync" button.
Press the "Sync" button on the front of the drum set.
Push the "Sync" button on the wireless receiver. The wireless receiver and the drum set will sync and you are ready to play.