Insert the game you want to play. The game must be compatible with the N64 Controller Pak --- this will be clearly indicated on the game's box and manual.
Insert the memory card into the back of the N64 controller. Connect the controller to the Nintendo 64 and turn on the power switch.
Access the game's main menu. Many games that allow the use of a memory card will display a "Load Game" option on the main menu. If you already have a game saved for this title, select "Load Game." The screen displays a list of icons for all of the saved games on the Controller Pak. Saved files for other games are faded or crossed out, and saved files for the current game are highlighted. If you do not yet have a game saved for this title, select "New Game" and begin playing. Most games will specifically point out areas where you can save your game, or you can browse the game's pause menu for a "Save Game" option.