Equip the Mirror Shield. Since you needed to use the Mirror Shield to defeat the twins, most likely it's already equipped.
Absorb her elemental attacks by holding down the "R" button. Your goal is to absorb three consecutive spells of the same element, such as three fires in a row. If you absorb an ice, then it will negate all your previous fires. If you absorb a fire, then it will negate your previous ices. Once you've absorbed three in row, your Mirror Shield will unleash a massive burst of energy, stunning Twinrova in the process.
Put on your Hover Boots and equip a sword. Run toward Twinrova and just before you reach her, jump and then attack. This causes massive damage. Once you're standing beside her, continue hacking and slashing until she recovers. Run away once she starts to get up.
Continue absorbing elemental attacks and then counterattacking when she's down. After three or four of these sessions, you'll finish her off.