Raising Your Security Skill Level
Up to five pins inside the lock will have to be pushed into position for it to open. A secret to making this easier is to increase your security skill level. There are two ways to do this. The first is practice. The more times that you try to pick a lock, the more skill points you earn towards your security level. The other option available is security trainers, which can be located all around the world. By finding them you can raise your level in exchange for a set amount of gold.
The Resetting Lock
Breaking a lock pick can be frustrating, as this resets the pins, but as your security level increases, fewer pins will fall back into place. As an example, if you break a lock pick with a Novice level in security, no pins will remain knocked into place, but if you have a Master level, all of the pins you knocked in will remain in their positions.
Use Your Ears
The trick to getting the pins to stay in place is to keep your ears sharp, because the sound the pins make is vital. When the pin is pushed to the very top, there will be a sound, like metal hitting metal. When you hear that sound, click the mouse or button, depending the equipment you're playing the game on, and the pin will lock into place.
If you're finding getting the hang of it frustrating, the mini-game also offers an auto-attempt function. The higher your security skill is, the greater the chance that the auto-attempt will work. There's no guarantee that it will work, though, and you can go through dozens of lock picks before a lock opens, so come prepared.
Magic Spells
An alternate way to open locks that does not rely on your lock picking skills is magic. Certain types of spells can be learned to automatically open some locks. These spells can be purchased from the magic guilds featured around the world.