Things You'll Need
Turn on your PS3.
Insert the memory card into the memory card slot.
Wait for the PS3 to detect your memory card.
Answer "yes" when the system asks if you want to format the card.
When the format is complete, your memory card will be ready to use with your PS3.
If your PS3 does not recognize that you inserted a memory card, you can go to the Main Menu. Then select "Memory Card Utility."
From the Memory Card Utility, choose whether it will be PS2 or PS1 format. All games saved in PS3 format will automatically be saved on the hard drive.
After selecting the format, return to the "Memory Card Utility" menu.
Select the memory card you just named and press the triangle button on your controller.
Choose the slot you want to assign that card to by following the prompt. When the system is finished, you will be able to play PS2 or PS1 games that you saved to your memory card on your PS3.