Log in to your "Fish in Love" account every day for five consecutive days. Upon your fifth day log in, you will be awarded a jackpot spin. The jackpot wheel offers multiple rewards, most of which include varying numbers of hearts.
Unlock trophies by completing breeding challenges. Each unlocked trophy earns additional hearts. Breeding challenges appear in the "Trophies" section of the main menu, and will detail which specific fish must be successfully bred to unlock the trophy. Upon a successful breeding of the fish required to earn a trophy, you will be awarded hearts. The number of hearts you will earn varies, depending upon the trophy unlocked.
Download advertised apps when prompted to do so. Occasionally a pop-up window will appear at the bottom of the screen during "Fish in Love" game play. At these times, you will be awarded the specified number of hearts (this varies by case) upon completion of the app download. To receive the hearts, you must click on the link in the pop-up window and download it at that time, rather than do the download while not playing "Fish in Love."