Collect the Charon's Oar relic in Acheron, the first level of the game after the Prologue. This relic grants you 30 percent more Holy experience points. After talking with Charon, grab onto the wall and go all the way to the right. You'll find the relic on a ledge next to a dead body.
Defeat as many enemies as possible. On the Xbox 360, press "RT" to grab an enemy and then press "B" to absolve it and earn Holy points. On PlayStation 3, press "R2" to grab and "Circle" to absolve. You get 10 points for small demons and 100 points for tougher ones.
Absolve all 27 lost souls, also called shades, by standing in front of them and pressing "Circle" or "B." The shades are hidden in every circle of Hell.
Pay 4,000 experience points to unlock the level six move Blessed Spirit Tap. You can't unlock level seven without this.
Purchase the Holy level seven move, Blessed Spirit Tap Level 2, for 6,000 points.