Story Mode Characters
A total of 11 hidden characters exist in the game, each of which is unlocked by completing a certain Story Mode chapter. Complete Chapter Three to unlock Shinji, Chapter Six for Yami, Chapter 10 for Grimmjaw, Chapter 22 for Espada Luppi, Chapter 26 for Noitora, Chapter 27 for Aaroniero, Chapter 29 for Ulquiorra, Chapter 32 for Szayel, Chapter 36 for Zomari, Chapter 41 for Nel, Chapter 47 for "Ichimaru Gin," and Chapter 49 for Aizen.
Captain Amagai
Captain Amagai is the single hidden character that isn't unlockable through Story Mode. Collect wealth by playing through the game's various modes of play, and Captain Amagai will be randomly available for purchase at Urahara's in-game shop.
Team Battle Mode Moves
Certain controls in the game only function in the Team Battle mode of gameplay. Switch positions with your partner by pressing the "Up" button, or call your opponent in for a quick attack with the "Down" button. If the CPU controls your partner, press the "Down" and "Z" buttons simultaneously to call for a brief sneak attack.
Special Character Moves
Some characters, such as Ichigo, Byakuya and Grimmjaw, have hidden special moves. Execute these attacks by holding the "Z" button and shaking the Wii Nunchuk twice in rapid succession.