Insert the Wii disc into your computer's DVD drive. Wii discs operate on DVD media, so you cannot use a CD drive to read the disc.
Download and install the Raw Dump application onto your computer. Download versions 2.0 or later because they have better compatibility and speed.
Exit out of any running applications. The process uses a lot memory and could freeze if too many processes run in the background.
Click on the drop-down menu and select the DVD drive that the Wii disc is inserted into. Wait for the application to process the disc and information to appear directly underneath the drop-down menu.
Press the "Start Dump" icon at the bottom of the screen. Choose a location for the new folder of Wii data. Press "OK" and the process begins.
Watch the completion, process and "Time to Go" lists on the screen. This will keep you updated with the progress and any potential errors.
Confirm the file size when the operation completes. Locate the "ISO" file on your computer, right-click on it and select "Properties." Look for the file size to be exactly 4.37 gigabytes. This is the standard size used for all Wii games.