Smart Power
One of the first tasks in the game is to build a power source. Think about where you want your city to grow, and build your power plant a good distance away so as not to pollute the populace. You also should avoid building a power plant near a water source to avoid polluting the drinking water.
New Building Sets
Unlock bonus building sets in the game by giving your city a certain name. For example, if you call your town "Become Wild," you will open the Jungle theme. Get the Sci-Fi theme by using the name "Future Picture." The code "Mummy's Desert" will yield the Egyptian building set while the name "Ancient Culture" nets the Greek set.
Smarter Citizens
As your population's eduction level increases, you unlock bonus structures. Raise the education level to 75 to earn a high school. Get it to 100 to build a museum. Increase the level to 115 and you can construct a nuclear power station.
Exploding Population
You earn new structures by growing your population. These new features add to the overall culture of your city, enticing even more residents to locate to your town. Build four small gardens and grow the population to 50,000 to get a large garden. Do the same with small parks to net a large park. Grow the city to 350,000 residents to earn a stadium and television station.