Things You'll Need
Contact Nintendo via its online form to obtain information on how to obtain a license application. Fill out and submit this application once you have received it.
Request a software development kit once your license application is approved. This kit costs $2,000 and will include the application programming interface required to make your game compatible with the WiiWare service.
Use the tools provided in the software development kit to finalize your game for WiiWare. The kit will include all necessary information and programming language guides to ensure maximum compatibility with WiiWare. Still, this is a vastly time-consuming step and will require a great deal of patience and practice with your chosen programming language (e.g. C++).
Submit your finished game to Nintendo for approval. You can get in touch with Nintendo to begin the submission process by once again using the online contact form. If approved, they will contact you with information about its addition to the WiiWare service.