Insert the game disc or cartridge, power on the system and start a new or existing game.
Move to a blank area of the map, and build a small residential zone.
Next to that build a commercial zone and then an industrial zone so that the three are in a straight line.
Build a road along one side of the three zones, connecting them.
Wait for the areas to develop and the roads to start getting congested. If you're playing an existing city, connect the road to your main city. If you're starting a new city, make sure to add a power plant and any other facilities that the city needs to start developing.
Build a pair of railway stations alongside the residential and industrial zones you built in Steps 2 and 3. Build them on the side opposite the main road. If you have enough resources and space, feel free to add a third station at the commercial zone.
Connect the railroad stations with railroad tiles. You can find the railroad tiles under the "Build" menu, near the road tiles.
Wait and watch for the railroad to begin its run. You'll notice a marked improvement in street congestion.
Expand your railroad system with the city. Add new stations at key points, and build railroads to connect them.