Wii Fit
The packaged "Wii Fit" game includes exercise, sports, and yoga-based games. The games are more like mini-trials to see how the board works in different ways, but players can really get a workout by using some of their features. The game tracks fitness goals and uses the Mii characters that are also used in "Wii Sports."
Don King Boxing
Boxing is mostly about the hands, but good footwork can make a mediocre boxer that much better. That is the premise with "Don King Boxing." Players use the Balance Board to juke and outmaneuver an opponent as they punch at them with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
Raving Rabbids TV Party
Instead of having players simply use their feet, "Raving Rabbids TV Party" takes full advantage of the Balance Board. The game is actually a collection of dozens of minigames where players sit, hop and use all types of body parts on the Balance Board. This game is great for multiple Balance Boards and a group of friends.
Skate It
Instead of dealing with the dangers of plowing into the asphalt on a real skateboard, the Balance Board is turned sideways for "Skate It." Players perform real skateboarding tricks and use the board as their platform. The game features multiple worlds and plenty of tricks to master on the balance board.
Winter Sports 2
The first "Winter Sports" game only allowed players to use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, but the game is expanded completely with the use of the Balance Board. In the game players recreate winter sports including skiing, snowboarding, bobsled and ice skating.
Tetris Party
"Tetris Party" is a Wii Ware exclusive, meaning that players can download the game directly from their Wii with a wireless connection. The game features classic Tetris action, along with "party-styled" games that utilize the balance board to control pieces in the game. Play on the Wii network against other players all over the world.