Things You'll Need
Taking Down the Chopper
Insert the game disc and start or continue your game.
Begin Level 2 of Chapter 3: The Joker's Revenge. This level, entitled Biplane Blast, culminates in an aerial dogfight between the Joker, Scarecrow and Gotham police forces.
Pilot the Joker's helicopter and Scarecrow's biplane. Fly to the left and focus on destroying anything on screen that looks breakable.
Destroying the various objects will reveal a few new weapons for the two vehicles. The Joker's copter can drag mines to blow up large, seemingly unbreakable objects. The Scarecrow's biplane can fire specialized missiles which turn your targets against their own side.
Continue until the Police Chopper appears. Plow through the billboard to find a mine dispenser. Use the Joker's helicopter to drop off a mine at one of the multicolored boxes. When it explodes, an anti-aircraft turret will appear and start attacking you.
Fire a Scarecrow missile at the turret. Unable to determine who its original targets were, it will fire on the Police Chopper.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the other colored container and missile turret.
Continue to shoot the Police Chopper until it goes down.