Controls and Game Screen
Point your Wii Remote at the screen. Press and hold ̶0;A̶1; and the monster will move toward the spot at which you are pointing the controller.
Shake the Wii Remote up, down, left or right to quickly move in that direction. This is useful for dodging onscreen enemies. Pull the Wii Remote quickly backward to perform a 180-degree turn.
Press ̶0;B̶1; when you are near an enemy to attack. Press ̶0;B̶1; twice quickly to perform a special move.
Go to the fossil screen by pressing ̶0;-̶1; and to the monster selection screen by pressing ̶0;+.̶1;
Note the three bars on the top of the screen that measure your oxygen, stamina and health. Replenish your oxygen at any time by moving the sea monster to the surface of the water. Refill stamina by stopping all movement. Eat the sea life around you to refill your health.
Playing the Game
Start a new game and be taken to the hub. Check your radar on the bottom right of the screen for purple dots. These dots represent fossils.
Swim toward the fossils to collect them. As you collect fossils, you'll unlock new areas and challenges in the game. Visit the ̶0;Challenge Areas̶1; in the hub. In each area you will have a different mission and control a different monster.
Complete the challenges to gain more fossils. You may be required to battle monsters or to swim quickly across the area.
Change your sea monster during your time in the hub to bypass obstacles. Some monsters can dig, while others are able to leap out of the water. Try different combinations to find every fossil.
View all the fossils you've collected on the fossil screen. Fossils will connect together to unlock new monsters. Check this screen to see which fossils you need to collect for different beasts.