Use Kirby's yarn to pull on buttons suspended in the air. This method allows you to uncover the second treasure in Level 1-1: Patch Castle.
Pull down zippers you come across. Doing this will reveal a secret path to a Treasure Patch in Level 2-1: Fountain Gardens.
Climb to the highest ledges. You will find the first treasure in Level 2-2: Flower Fields by jumping right off the highest flower bed.
Suck in enemies with Kirby's sucking power and destroy objects to uncover Treasure Patches. This is the trick to getting the treasure behind the blocks in Level 2-7: Weird Woods.
Blow up walls with explosives. You'll have to use a bomb to destroy a wall near the volcano in Level 3-2: Lava Landing to access a Treasure Patch.
Boost to reach Treasure Patches. You will transform into Off-Road Kirby in Level 3-7: Dusk Dunes to compete in a race. Propel yourself to treasure with boosts and jumps after passing the second driver on the course.