Look for numbers located at the top of the "Wii Bowling" scoreboard. Any raw numbers give the bowler that amount of points. Often, frames have two numbers, as the bowler gets two attempts to knock down pins for each frame. If a frame has both an "8" and a "1" in it, for example, the bowler receives nine points for that frame.
Look for "-" symbols on the "Wii Bowling" scoreboard. The "-" symbol means zero pins were knocked down on a delivery, and it adds nothing to the bowler's score.
Look for "/" symbols on the scoreboard. This symbol represents a "spare" and occurs when a player knocks down all pins over two deliveries within a single frame. A spare gives the player 10 points plus any additional points earned on the next delivery. In bowling, spares do not calculate into the score until the next delivery. In the tenth frame, a spare only counts as 10 points total.
Look for "X" symbols on the scoreboard. An "X" symbol stands for a "strike," which occurs when a player knocks down all 10 pins in the first delivery within a single frame. A strike gives the player 10 points plus any additional points earned over the next two deliveries. In bowling, strikes do not calculate into the score until the next two deliveries. In the tenth frame, each strike only counts as 10 points total.