Complete the first three chapters of the Story mode to unlock the Shop.
Complete at least four missions for each character. All playable characters have 10 missions associated with them. The mission list for each character can be accessed from the character selection screen in versus mode. Missions can be ranked as "D," "C," "B," "A," or "S" with "S" ranked missions being the most difficult.
Complete Kakashi's "S" rank mission and get graded "Hokage" level. The name of this mission is Rival Match-Up! and, as Kakashi, you must defeat your rival, Guy. After you defeat Guy, the computer will give you a score that will determine your grade. Hokage is the highest grade you can receive.
Complete Kakashi's "S" rank mission a second time. This time you will battle Anbu Kakashi instead of Guy. Since you don't need to worry about getting "Hokage" level in this fight, you can repeatedly use Kakashi's earth jutsu ability to deal a lot of damage. After you win the fight, Anbu Kakashi becomes available for purchase at the shop.
Purchase Anbu Kakashi. Return to the main menu and select "Extras" to access the Shop. Choose "Anbu Kakashi" from the shop list to purchase him for 100,000 RYO.