Things You'll Need
Finding and Obtaining the Second Star Coin
Play through the first half of the board as you normally would, hitting all item blocks so that you obtain the propeller suit.
Find the secret invisible vine block on one of the upper portions of the first half of the level to access the first star coin.
Cross over the checkpoint flag while wearing the propeller suit. If you don't have the propeller suit, you will have to restart the level and obtain the suit again to access the star coin.
Carefully land on the green pipe that is below and to the right of the checkpoint flag, taking care not to fall down into the empty space. Do this by manipulating the Wii controller upward to propel Mario into the air and then steering him onto the pipe with the D-pad while he gradually descends.
Enter the pipe by pressing down on the D-pad.
Notice the second star coin at the bottom center of the underground area. To access the star coin, jump out over the ledge so that you fall onto the star coin.
Manipulate the Wii controller upward as soon as you grab the star coin to quickly escape from the open space below, guiding Mario to the opposite ledge with the D-pad.